Michael E. Byczek

Detailed Genealogy Resources

Michael E. Byczek's lineage in Chicago is one of the oldest in the city's history dating back to 1835.

He has conducted extensive historical and genealogical research to preserve these family's chronicles.

Rooney Research

Michael E. Byczek registered a federal copyright for a 362-page biography of his 3x-great-grandparents William and Julia Rooney titled The Biographies of William Rooney and Julia Phelan - Old Settlers of Chicago. The biography was submitted to the U.S. Copyright Office on December 22, 2024 and is pending final registration.

View the 362-page biography (LQ)

Online Genealogy Trees

Michael E. Byczek has created two comprehensive family trees through online genealogy platforms.

His ancestry.com profile has the username "byczek" with a tree identified as Michael E. Byczek Lineage. Registration with the platform is required to view content.

This is the preferred family tree because the platform allows users to upload information similar to a social media platform. The Michael E. Byczek Lineage Tree is exclusively controlled by Michael E. Byczek. Only he can upload information and documents without any modification by other users. This is the only accurate source of genealogy that is approved by this branch of the family. Each deceased member of a family may have dozens or even hundreds of profiles created by relatives and anonymous third-parties. Users are advised to review genealogical information for a particular individual, such as professional and ethical research compilation.

Michael E. Byczek has extensively contributed to the familysearch.org online genealogical platform under the username "michaelbyczek". However, the Family Search platform is community driven where only one profile is allowed per deceased individual. This model allows anonymous third-parties to delete, edit, and modify accurate genealogical information with false or misinformation. Michael E. Byczek undertook an extensive effort to review, fix, create, and merge profiles into an accurate genealogical narrative for his direct blood ancestors. He monitors the platform for interference, but it is not practical to continuously review every profile on a daily basis. The platform maintains an activity log that allows users to review all changes for each profile. Users are advised to carefully review information to verify and validate details, sources, and contributions. Michael E. Byczek only approves the information that he, under the username "michaelbyczek", has contributed and reviewed. Registration with the platform is required to review content.

Each deceased individual has a unique profile with an assigned identifier. These identifiers allow users to locate each entry on the tree. The identifiers for Michael E. Byczek's four grandparents are listed below:

Michael S. Byczek (GRRG-GMV) and Marie Flanagan (G5C8-1C2)
Roman J. Bykowski (GRG3-BXS) and Antoinette A. Murzynowicz/Marynowski (GRRG-XBB)

Grave Memorials

The online platform findagrave.com is dedicated to online burial memorials with a model that is similar to Family Search. Only one memorial is allowed per deceased individual. However, the platform grants only one user with administrative control. As a result, this model is susceptible to anonymous third-parties who exploit their exclusive management to lock others from collaboration. Michael E. Byczek undertook extensive efforts to create dozens of memorials and regain family administration of others that were under third-party control. He respectifully offers all relatives an opportunity to contribute to these memorials.

His Find a Grave profile provides a link to all memorials under his administration. All grave memorials are publicly accessible without registration.

Military Memorials

The fold3.com platform is dedicated to military records and allows users to create a memorial for deceased veterans. Michael E. Byczek has created memorials for his grandfather Michael S. Byczek (World War II) and great-grandfather Martin J. Flanagan (World War I). Registration with the platform is required to view content.

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